Area Code
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About 508 Area Code:
To say that this area code is vital to the state’s comms network is an understatement. The 508 area code covers 225 cities within southeastern Massachusetts, including Worcester, New Bedford, and Plymouth. It extends across multiple counties, such as Bristol, Worcester, and Norfolk.
Given the range of this area code, communication tools like reverse phone lookup are essential. This region has a population of over 6.6 million people, making it dense in population and economically significant. Worcester, one of the main cities in this area, has a dynamic economy with growth in sectors like local services, transportation, and recreation despite challenges in retail and finance.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
4:18:23 PM | Sun, January, 12, 2025 | UTC/GMT-5 |
ZIP Codes:
188 zip codes Found Check all codes
(508) 436-6798
Total searches: 2258
(508) 635-2322
Total searches: 1701
(508) 441-3367
Total searches: 1684
(508) 507-2209
Total searches: 1529
(508) 233-3620
Total searches: 1441
(508) 214-1465
Total searches: 1213
(508) 475-1394
Total searches: 1126
(508) 623-2299
Total searches: 1122
(508) 552-8479
Total searches: 1118
(508) 794-5081
Total searches: 904
(508) 392-5581
Total searches: 783
(508) 794-5967
Total searches: 728
(508) 207-8335
Total searches: 690
(508) 794-5159
Total searches: 674
(508) 475-1968
Total searches: 672
Massachusetts (MA)
Bristol, Dukes
Providence-Pawtucket RI-New Bedford-Fall Riv., MA
no answer just keeps beeping and calling back over and over again. We are located at a doctors office.
Call her**** if I was interested in selling a house. I didn't own the house but I remember sending an email inquiring about the sale of his house. When I said I didn't own the house they asked me if I had any properties I was interested in selling.
Grace is still at it! No phone conversation ever. Sweet talk to attempt to gain emotional vulnerability then plead financial catastrophe and much needed support
Don’t no
Claiming I have a case with them but I don't
Seems to be a bot. Says her name is Sarah and sends photos of a blonde woman and a blonde child. She s****ed me out doing order optimization. I was doing the tasks until there was a task that required me to deposit nearly $300 which I did not have. I was told that I could not move forward with tasks, and all the money I had earned was in a holding pattern for the task that I can not afford to pay. She then berated me as if I were an errant child repeating to me the rules as if somehow it would magically make money appear from my ****. So I figured this must be a scam. It is linked to an EU number 447414118533.
This caller stated I could get free or discount internet & cell phone if I was on Medicaid/Medicare. They then try and get your insurance card numbers (ID THEFT). They often call posing as a cable company, Medicare & other Govt offices, banks (fake fraud dept scam), or selling health insurance, car warranties, solar panels, accident claims, loan scams, free internet deals, etc.,
Loud beep when answered, Fax machine calling business phone multiple times in a roll.
This guy is a catfish, he uses his own face pics, but has this whole elaborate scam about everything else. He gets off on texting endlessly, chatting always very ***ually, sharing pics, etc. He stood me up and lied about this whole story about his mom being sick, he doesn't realize you can see location on the dating sites. His number has been looked up on this site alone 39 times. His real name is Brendon McDonough, and based on the fact that I can't find divorce records, he's probably still married. Beware of this one, don't waste your time.
This guy is a s***bag, he sends unsolicitated and inappropriate pictures. He is extremely secretive and only cares about trying to get in your pants.
Swatting call to law enforcement.
You need to text me back and simply listen to what I have to say. Considering I have proof of you messaging an underage girl soliciting pros***ution. I'll gladly send the proof. You need
Continues beeping
fax machine calling business land line over and over and over.