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About 769 Area Code:
Area code 769 covers a diverse population across major cities such as Jackson and Hattiesburg. It spans 89 cities and 38 counties, including Hinds County and Lauderdale County, serving over 1.4 million people. The code is essential for local businesses, improving access to new customers and maintaining operational efficiency. It supports various industries like healthcare, education, and manufacturing, ensuring steady communication flow critical for economic growth. Jackson, the state capital, anchors the area’s economy with its robust healthcare sector, including the prominent University of Mississippi Medical Center, which serves as a major employment hub and medical research center. The city’s economy is further bolstered by state government activities and a growing tech sector.
Hattiesburg contributes with its educational institutions like the University of Southern Mississippi and a strong presence in manufacturing and retail. The 769 area code has seen a range of impactful news events over the years. In recent years, Jackson has faced significant challenges related to infrastructure and water crises, which have garnered national attention. The city’s water system issues, culminating in a state of emergency declaration, highlighted the need for substantial investment in infrastructure. Hattiesburg, too, has made headlines with its community-focused initiatives. The city’s response to natural disasters, such as hurricanes and tornadoes, has showcased its resilience and spirit of cooperation. Local efforts in disaster recovery and community rebuilding have been central to news coverage, reflecting the city’s commitment to overcoming adversity.
Area Code Time Info
Current Time | Current Date | Time Zone |
1:24:26 AM | Mon, February, 17, 2025 | UTC/GMT-6 |
ZIP Codes:
160 zip codes Found Check all codes
(769) 214-2027
Total searches: 2380
(769) 553-3922
Total searches: 943
(769) 487-1349
Total searches: 689
(769) 610-0272
Total searches: 552
(769) 200-0348
Total searches: 494
(769) 257-0954
Total searches: 468
(769) 447-4139
Total searches: 417
(769) 257-3751
Total searches: 389
(769) 206-0104
Total searches: 380
(769) 487-6508
Total searches: 376
(769) 233-2481
Total searches: 362
(769) 230-3921
Total searches: 339
(769) 553-8850
Total searches: 291
(769) 553-8393
Total searches: 290
(769) 218-6741
Total searches: 288
Mississippi (MS)
Pearl River
New Orleans, LA
No message
He was NASTY because we didn't answer the phone and we don't return his voicemails because he's obviously trying to sell us so****ing. His latest voicemail said "I'm going to move to your state, I'll be the only son of a ***** up there who answers the telephone, and I'll run all of ya'll out of business!" His number is now blocked.
Extremely rude man calling to sell baseball caps. When he was told we don't purchase logo merchandise, he replied "you are like all americans and don't listen. What a nasty person.
Are you home?
Selling hats. Was extremely rude to my team when I was unavailable to take his call. Ended up hanging up on my team when they attempted to take a message.
It was a text message asking if I wanted details about an unknown job
I am a friend. I send and receive texts with this number. I am Not a telemarketer, Not a scammer
I am a friend, am NOT a telemarketer, NOT a scammer.
Rather rude gentleman trying to sell baseball caps. Gets extremely angry when you don't give him your boss' number.
I'm Grane , from Linkus Group. We are now looking for more people to work (part - time), would you like to try? Is the message they sent after I asked who they are. It’s a scam number
Yes, I can verify this person attempted a blackmail scam on me.
Guy got extremely anger when i wouldnt purchase his baseball hats
Selling baseball cap****tremely rude when I would not give out our contact's cell phone number
This person attempts blackmail scams.
They said I have been awarded rental relief to pay my landlord. Check states that it was sent from Sacramento ca, but the return address on the envelope states it was sent from Beaverton OR. I have a investigator researching this.